Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences




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Page Count: 262
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Origin Press


















Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences: Angels, Aliens, Dolphins and Shamans
by Timothy Wyllie


ISBN - 9781931254168
Pubdate - October 2002
USD Price - $16.95
These uncanny and entertaining adventure stories chronicle the author's research into subtle-realm phenonema and are narrated with warmth and zany humor. Wyllie’s literary memoir uncovers the telepathic matrix shared by humans, angels and dolphins; chronicles countless epiphanies of self-realization and cosmic awareness; and delves deep into the nature of celestial and extraterrestrial intelligences. The author’s first book in this series, Dolphins, ETs and Angels remains in print and is widely regarded as a classic in its field. He is also the co-author of Ask Your Angels, an international bestseller that has sold nearly one million copies.
Edwin (Yana) Murphy (, I am., 10/28/2002 Timothy Wyllie’s Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences is indeed an adventure into the unknown; but an unknown that selected parts are skillfully unveiled to show a kind of familiarity that comes through as you read the book. Throughout, you are guided by the knowing intelligence of dolphins -- intelligent creatures that convey not only who they are, but who we are and have been as well.
The adventure takes you through inner and outer landscapes: Key West; New Zealand; Bali (when it was peaceful and nonpolitical); New York and New Mexico. There are visits with others who know and love the dolphins, including John C. Lilly. Angels and other extraterrestrials are a part of Timothy’s widespread communications network.
The appendices offer further trips to take. They can be read at any time, though I would suggest reading them before finishing the book as they contain valuable ‘roadmaps’ that take you beyond the scope of the book. I especially liked the ‘Grounding and Releasing Meditations’. They really work!
Other Titles by Author

Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences
Ask Your Angels
Dolphins, ET’s, and Angels

Love, Sex, Fear, Death: The Inside Story of the Process Church of the Final Judgement

Return of the Rebel Angels