Helianx Proposition




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4 Color throughout
Page Count: 157
Size: 8.5" X 11"

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The Helianx Proposition: A Cosmic Creation Fable or The Return of the Rainbow Serpent

by Timothy Wyllie

ISBN - 978-1-935187-09-7
Pubdate - September 2014
USD Price - $70 Slipcased edition


Timothy Wylie's Hellanx is a delightfully engaging tale that challenges our preconceptions of cosmic realities, accompanied by exquisite paintings that draw the reader into a mind-bending alternate reality, all seamlessly woven into an extraordinary work of art.— Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain, From Science to God


In its present form, The Helianx Proposition unifies three stages of expression. The original story can be read in the calligraphic text, illuminated by the images that emerged over three decades of intuitive work. On your second reading, slow down even more and let the written work resonate with the dream forms and colors. Eventually, when you feel you know the tale well and have soaked a while in its pool, start to add the third and final layer of the text on the facing pages. The interplay of the three levels of information resembles a kind of exponential Bach fugue with themes moving at different speeds and weaving themselves together in inter-dimensional flows of time, and at some point, you will begin to recognize yourself in this music. — Fredric Lehrman, author of The Sacred Landscape



Welcome to a cosmic creation fable in the tradition of William Blake’s illuminated books—a modern-day visionary creation myth that explores the deeper symbolic meaning of the biblical legend of the Garden of Eden. In particular, The Helianx Proposition reconstructs the possible story of the serpent, extrapolating from the profound Christian tradition the interpretation of this key figure to suggest that the serpent too had a divine origin and a valuable function to perform in the larger cosmos before and after its appearance in the Garden to Adam and Eve. — Byron Belitsos, author of OneWorld Democracy.



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